Thursday, February 22

More Congressional Hypocrisy Abets White House's Iraq War Fraud

Additional evidence emerges indicating the National Security Agency has compiled private sex dossiers on Democrat leaders to compromise their war opposition.

The Democrats heading the 110th Congress gained control last year through campaign promises to bring US troops home from the White House's failed mission in Iraq.

Hey, forget about it....America's electorate has been betrayed, a point Milkhouse Mouse noted last month (see 17, 16 and 8 January entries).

But the evidence just accumulates. The piece on congressional hypocrisy below appeared today (22 February) in the Center for American Progress's daily "Progress Report" in the "Under the Radar" section:

....CONGRESS - 25 LAWMAKERS WHO CRITICIZED ESCALATION, VOTED FOR IT ANYWAY: Last week, Iraq war veteran and VoteVets founder Jon Soltz appealed for members of Congress to "put country above party" and vote against escalation in Iraq. Prior to the vote, representatives in Congress from both parties publicly criticized the Bush administration's plan. Representative of such criticisms were Rep. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) saying he had "little confidence that a surge in troop levels will change the situation in Iraq" and Rep. Virginia Brown-Wait's (R-FL) declaration that she got "a feeling our country was being used." Sen. George Voinovich (R-OH) said, "I'm absolutely against the surge." Despite such clear public objections to the President's plan, these and at least 21 more members of Congress caved to partisan pressure and voted in support of escalation. Contradictions were certainly not limited to the House: Sen. John McCain (R-AZ), despite repeatedly voicing his support for escalation, skipped the Senate vote to attend an "'old fashioned' ice cream and hotdog social" in Iowa. The negative effects of Bush's escalation are already being felt by the U.S. military, which is struggling to meet the demands placed on it by the Bush administration. Yesterday, the Pentagon announced that the National Guard would send 14,000 troops back to Iraq next year. A recent Government Accountability Office report found that the Guard is facing severe equipment shortages that have been exacerbated by the war in Iraq.

These two items also appeared today under the "Think Fast" segment:

....Spurred by online activists, five state legislatures moved last week to oppose Bush's Iraq war strategy. The Vermont legislature, California Senate, Iowa Senate, legislators in Maine, and the Boston City Council have all taken action to express their opposition to escalation in Iraq. The moves "illustrate the war's unpopularity among elected officials at all levels."

14,000 National Guard troops will return to Iraq next year, "shortening their time between deployments to meet the demands of President Bush's buildup." "The accelerated timetable illustrates the cascading effect" Bush's escalation plan is putting on the entire armed forces.

Postscript: One savvy computer graphics professional caught the White House doctoring Bush's 1 May 2003 "Mission Accomplished" speech aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln. Verify for yourself this guy is speaking the truth; click here for the May 2003 web page and scroll to be very bottom and click on the "video" icon link.

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