Saturday, October 13
"Before 9/11": Planning Democracy's Demise
One urgent question possibly confronting Americans in 2050 when they studiously engage the sobering details below : "Why didn't America adequately probe the evidence and those treasonous White House slugs and hold them accountable for their complicity in 9/11?"
Answer: Following a period of more protracted public silence and head-scratching, academics will make their careers publishing--and their fortunes giving public seminars---on "The Startling Correlations Between Post-9/11/2001 Americans and Post-Reichstag Germans."
So let's continue to slurp up the Guyanan pink lemonade generously peddled to us by The United Corporations of America in the name of Amerikan democracy. Sieg Heil....The Afghanistan war was planned before 9/11.
The decision to launch the Iraq war was made before 9/11.
The decision to launch a war against Iran was made before 9/11.
The Patriot Act was written before 9/11.
The government's spying on Americans began before 9/11.
[See the 15 October update on the NSA's warrantless snooping program by the Center for America Progress, under "Daily Grill":
"After September the 11th...I authorized the National Security Agency to intercept the international communications of people with known links to al Qaeda and related terrorist organizations." --President Bush, 5/11/06The government knew that terrorists could use planes as weapons -- and had even run its own drills of planes being used as weapons against the World Trade Center and other U.S. high-profile buildings, using REAL airplanes -- all before 9/11.
"Former chief executive Joseph P. Nacchio...said the NSA approached Qwest more than six months before the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks [about surveillance contracts]."--Washington Post, 10/13/07
We also now know Bush's pre-9/11 NSA dragnet was not limited to international communications; it includes all domestic written and voice internet communications. See Corrente's 12 October full-tilt assessment of the NSA domestic snooping program titled "Even Worse Than We Imagined".
So...just what was the Bush administration really interested in tracking, if it wasn't post-9/11 terrorist communications? It was unquestionably pre-9/11 domestic communications. Just what was the Bush White House afraid of from U.S. citizens?--editor]
The government heard the 9/11 plans from the hijackers' own mouths before 9/11.
No steel-framed high-rise building had ever collapsed due to fire before 9/11.
The neocons who now run the U.S. government lamented, before 9/11, that they could not institute their plans for global domination without a "new Pearl Harbor".
Did 9/11 really "change everything"? Or was everything we're seeing now planned before 9/11?
Bottoms up, you neo-brown-shirts.